Wish to receive a tattoo from me?

Please follows these important steps to ensure your tattoo heals to its absolute potential.


If you are reading this - MY BOOKS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN FOR SUNSHINE COAST, AUSTRALIA! Thanking this beautiful Gubbi Gubbi Country for holding me & my beautiful clients on this land.

I will be working from a beautiful studio in Nambour, called Soul Song Temple and
will be working on the
days of WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY due to availability of the room in the studio.


First thing to do is fill in this form for me, this will give me a really good idea of your tattoo and when we can book you in!!

Please allow up to a week to hear back from me as I am a one woman show & small business.
Once you hear back from me - we will confirm a chosen date together & secure a deposit and send you information of where to arrive for our session together and what to bring!!
How exciting!

Sending love to you and cannot wait to hear from you!
x Tae x

::: Intuitive ceremonial tatu :::

So what is a CEREMONIAL tatu?

In ancient times, in tribes all around the world and even still today, people gather to sit in ceremony, to honour a process or to bring fourth an initiation in ones life.

(SIDE NOTE: the reason why I like to you the word tatu is because it connects this art to its origins of how it was written and its ancient ways. I go between the words tattoo and tatu.)

In modern day society, the common ceremony is something of a birthday generally the big initiations like the sweet 16, 18th, 21st or a 50th, a wedding celebration, the birth of a child or the loss of a loved one (a funeral).

All of these are a gathering of people, friends and family, tribe and community, to gather together to honour the bigness of the event or initiation in someones life.

They are meant to be honoured and celebrated, to share drink and food together.

But so much of life we go through without honouring the bigness of our life. We lost the art of ceremony, of the initiations that we go through.

Thankfully, the world has been shifting, into a great awakening of realising that we need to bring back these lost rituals. We must gather and sit together, we must bring more ceremony and ritual together to honour the human experience.

This brings me to the art of ceremony in tatu ritual.

Receiving a tattoo, big or small, is always such a big initiation and there is always more space to honour this process. Whether you have just journeyed into become mother or father, perhaps you’ve lost a loved one, maybe you have moved into a part of yourself that you didn’t know was possible, perhaps you’ve been initiated into a different field of work and want to honour that new skin you’ve moved into.

ALL of this deserves a beautiful ceremony and ritual.

In ceremony we honour this process you are moving through, under candle light and create the space for you to fully receive in a comfortable environment. For you to move through all the feels at your own pace and to be held through the process of initiation of this new marking. Allowing us to honour what this marking truly means to you, and allowing you to make a commitment to yourself to remember this part of the journey that you've taken.

PLUS MUCH MORE GOODNESS when we sit together, it always blows my mind the synchronicity, weaving of our journeys and the pure magic that happens when two or more people gather together. Ceremony is truly a magical experience and so potent when you weave this in with the ritual of tatu.

So what is the intuitive part?

I believe all artists work intuitively, weaving with spirit to create their art. Art can be anything creative.

If you imagine like a web of consciousness weaving all its magic, ideas and creations in the field we cannot see, but when you tap into that creative source, sit quietly or sometimes randomly you can have an idea that just pops into your mind and feels like the best creative idea ever, this is the spark of the universe giving you a hint or dropping in an idea.
(I’m sure others have a different idea of how they see it but this is how I imagine it happening).

When I sit to create an intuitive piece for you, especially to sit in ceremony with you, I setup a ceremony for you but by myself, usually the day before our session together and I let your intention for this piece guide me.
I create a space that is to be just for you so that it is clear for you and you only.

I tap into that creative zone and I listen to the subtleties of what wants to come through.

For the pieces I create for ceremony, I generally write a page or two of notes and messages of what has come through for your design, really going into depth of the design and why certain images, symbols or patterns have been chosen.

I read this for you on the day of our ceremony and this is for you to take home to reflect on and connect even deeper with your tatu during integration of this day.

This is why your intention is SO POWERFUL, as it is the container for the flow of the design that wants to come through.

Please note that intuitive markings don’t have to be received in ceremony, and likewise when sitting in ceremony, you don’t have to only receive an intuitive piece.

I say this because some clients want to either:

Receive an intuitive marking from me because they like my art but it doesn’t need to be in ceremony - and this is SO OKAY!!

I actually love sessions like this when people admire and love my art, I feel so honoured to create beautiful pieces for them intuitively but just tattooing in a more gentle, chilled space and not necessarily in a big process and ceremony.

• OR - they want to sit in ceremony but already know what they want as a tatu - This is also perfectly OKAY!! We are ALL creative channels, and if you have a strong calling to images/symbols and know want you want for yourself but feel you wish to receive in ceremony, I can bring these images together in a beautiful way and in my style and it would be an honour to sit with you in the process and ritual of ceremony to honour this journey, these symbols and what you are moving through.