Lets co-create your tattoo design in ceremony, together but online!

Ever wanted to have more freedom with your tattoo design?Well NOW is the time to release this amazing offering I’m so excited about!

I get asked all the time if I offer online ceremony and I’ve decided that I would love to start offering this and also give my clients the opportunity to also be a part of process.

What does this look like?
I will be opening a spot for each Monday at 10 am (Brisbane Australian time zone) where we will sit for 2 hours together in ceremony (Online or in person if you are in the Sunshine Coast and wish to be in person)
This will be a co-weaving of your intentions & bringing through your vision of what you deeply desire.

I will be guiding you through a process of unravelling the design, desired placement & elements that are to be revealed when we sit together and open up to receive.
I will also be deeply listening to what comes through me as well and share while we go through the process too so it is a co-created piece, straight from source.

This process is exactly what I usually do for channeling for my ceremonial sessions, except we sit in ceremony together and we really allow you to also tune into your intuition for this piece. (Don’t be afraid of thinking that you “may not have any good input/ideas” we are WAY more intuitive than we think, especially when we sit down and set the intention for this to come through).

Once we have sat in this ceremony and have brought through the elements of the design, I will then finish your design in my own time, and you will receive your the artwork for you to keep either for you to use on your alter along with a detailed description of this art piece or you can choose to receive this as a marking either by me (with a part of the cost going towards the tattoo) or choose to go to a tattooist near you if you are too far from the Sunshine Coast to receive.

Who is this for?

  • Anyone who really wants to be a part of the ceremonial design process.

  • If you feel like you have creative ideas but don’t know how to create them in the physical.

  • If you find it hard to figure out a tattoo that you want but you just need some extra guidance in how to bring this through.

  • You want to receive a tattoo in ceremony but find it hard to completely let go of control of the design to the artist and want to be a part of the process more, so you make sure you can really resonate with the design before you receive it.
    And much more!


I’m so excited for this new offering!
Please apply below with the date of the Mondays you are available and we can book you in.

Cost of Investment: $444