My name is Taela, most people call me Tae.

A bit of a background story of my journey and who I am…
I am a surfer, lover of the ocean, grew up in a small town of Dunsborough, Wardandi Booja in Western Australia. I have always been a traveller, I left my small town at 19years old to travel in Canada for a few years and then I kept going from there!

For as long as I can remember I have loved to draw, paint, create, take photos etc, anything creative really.
I was always trying to find my niche of how to support myself with my art as it has always been such a passion, but was always faced with my fears with what I created and struggled to get out of hospitality that I always reverted back to again and again.

The first thing that changed was buying a camera in Canada in 2017. I fell involve with photography and fully stepped into it, doing wedding, maternity, lifestyle, fashion and portrait photography. It grew into a big part of my life and I thought this career was what I was meant to only be doing but then…

At the end of 2019 everything changed when I got asked by my friend to do a tattoo on her, I gave into the resistance of me not wanting to tattoo and this ended up being the best decision I ever made!
It hasn’t come without it’s challenges, but the more I learnt and moved past my fears I eventually got better at my craft and then after 2.5 years of tattooing, I had the courage to reach out to one of my favourite tattoo studios ever, Chrysalis Tattoo Alchemy, which is known for intuitive tattoo ceremony and acknowledging the ancient ways of tattooing.

I got welcomed in with open arms, taken under their wings and within 3 months we moved to the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Jinibara & Gubbi Gubbi Booja.

The journey has been a wild ride, making me grow and expand in 1000 ways more than I could even have imagined, and I’ve stepped into such deep healing work which has humbled me again and again. I’ve stepped into holding space for women and men in sacred ceremony, learning how to trust my channeling abilities, and intuitively creating tattoos for big transformation, allowing people to step into their greatest power and allow them to feel so seen and held in the process.

I have grown so much in my confidence with my art beyond measure and I have realised how much I have to share to others in this life.

I am so passionate about creating art that empowers others to wear for this lifetime.

I am so passionate about sharing my love for art and photography as I weave my photography still into everything I do.

So here I am, on this journey and here to share what I’ve learnt with you, in the hopes to empower you, make you feel so loved and seen, and help you along your journey too!!

I can’t wait to be in touch and either create something powerful for you to have on your body, or in your home.

Until then, I’m so grateful you found yourself here.

I’m blessed for you to spend one of your greatest resources, your time and attention, being here, so thank you so much for supporting me, supporting small business and also trusting in yourself to being on this part of your journey with me!

Much love,

Tae x

What is Alana Creative?

Alana is my middle name… I’m actually not kidding hehe my name is Taela Alana…

There were many things I wanted to call my mothership biz and when I got thinking and started to dive deeper.
I delved into it with my dear soul sister, Charlotte, who does soul contract readings, I looked into the energetics of names and Alana Creative stood out to be the most motherly and warming presence out of all those I was feeling into and it came about in such a natural way.
She is an entity, of pure love and at the greatest service to humanity. She is the container to hold all of my offerings, and hopefully one day will become an actual hub where we can all gather together and sit together as brothers and sisters within this container.

Until then, this is her online presence, a space to connect with you all and share all the things that are a part me, apart of her.

I’d love to help bring your visions to life, to be able to step into your greatest power with adorning your body with a magical marking.

I also offer many other things from tattoo tickets, art prints, logo design, photography etc.

Find yourself in what I have to offer in my menu available.

Love notes from some of my clients

  • "I cannot speak highly enough of my amazing experience with Tae!! Her work is beyond amazing, her energy is that of the most beautiful, loving angel and her intuition Is SPOT ON!!! I will be sharing this experience with anyone and everyone! Can't thankyou enough Tae!! I am already saving for my next ceremony with you🙏🦋💚"

    — Beth Pender

  • "Tae is such a beautiful soul and held such a special space for my tattoo today. I am absolutely blown away and love the beautiful piece she created for me. Thank you so much."

    — Erika Pernoud

  • "My experience was absolutely beautiful with Tae, she made me feel so comfortable and welcomed in. I'm totally obsessed with my tattoo, it's literally everything to me"

    — Ella Sommerfield

  • "One of the best healings I have done for myself this year, having an experience like this has been truly beautiful for my soul ❤️ and I am grateful to take home my art work forever"

    — Laurette Null